is the ambition of a world-wide brand where respect and empathy between people and fortitude in individuals meet, an online community, clinics and camps fostering individuals and not only athletes, and a retail brand which leverage and strengthen this brand and movement.
RÆDY'S™ goal is to inspire respect for one-self and all others, empathy and an open mind, and to foster and create fortitude and resilience in youth to find and live with a more positive life outlook.
RÆDY™ brings together well-known and idolized role/role model athletes to share their stories, experiences, and methods to reach the new generation to live more purposeful and meaningful lives.
North to South is our camp concept, were we combine world-class, modern basketball training with understanding and getting equipped for training body for modern basketball, learning about nutrition, and tools for a stronger mind and more positive life outlook.
Beyond Borders is our concept where we take our camp concept to another place in the world, joining often a local club, from which camp we invite - and pay for with our partners - local players to Selected camps in Sweden, thus bringing cultures and people together.
Selected is our by invitation elite camp, where 25 girls and 25 boys are invited for four days of elite training and tests and during which we will expose the players for European as well as college and NBA scouts, aiming to give more players the chance for top level exposure than the 12 often selected for national teams.
This is our formal club, a not for profit organization started to organize and run teams but also to organize our initiatives to help individuals and community, such as through our Unity concept or Foundation.
RÆDY™ will crowd resilience to the hardships of life and building a community where youth find strength in stories of idols, dialogue in communities, and acquire knowledge and routines to create a stronger mind and body and to be a positive force in the world by displaying respect and empathy over judgement and resent.
From this content, the brand will grow which provide camps and clinics within basketball and a retail brand built from the core mission and values.
RÆDY™ Group is committed to uniting individuals, communities, and cultures through the universal language of basketball.
In this concept, we bring the RÆDY™ camp to a city somewhere in the world and from that camp we invite a number of youths to join a camp in Stockholm, thus bringing people and cultures together.
RÆDY™ United is a sports club (idrottsförening) which strives to become a respected club which continuously expands in members, teams, and activities. From the core of of the United mission stems also our initiatives Raedy Foundation, RÆDY™ Unity, and RÆDY™ Exit.
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RÆDY™ is committed to contribute to a more open and inclusive society, for everyone. With the RÆDY™ Unity concept, we will bring the universal language of and joy from basketball to areas in need of such inclusive activities. With our large network and by inviting primarily first responder parties and people we want to create an arena where youth with basketball as an interest and their peers and parents can meet not only role models in basketball but people from first responder units in a undramatic, friendly, and open setting. We will execute our first Unity events in Stockholm in 2024 and hope to learn from and scale the events to more areas and cities.
Tensta parkour
JUN 22, 2024
See full project →
Bredäng centrum
Jun 29, 2024
See full project →
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Support our youth so they can achieve their dreams
Your donation goes directly to supporting the youth
Visit our shop to find out the coolest RÆDY merchandise. Be a member of our RÆDY community and stay updated with the new releases.
By purchasing out products, you can make a positive impact as we will donate a portion of the proceeds to the RÆDY foundation.
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Thomas Massamba har en unik förmåga att utveckla varje spelare och samtidigt som en hel grupp. En otrolig förmåga att se och bekräfta alla i gruppen varje träning OCH samtidigt utveckla varje enskilds teknik. Han har och förmedlar en bra värdegrund, ser helheten och har förmågan att skapa enhetlig riktning och en känsla av att vara delaktig i något större.
Tyresö Basket, Basket Camps & Coach Clinic projekt
Thomas Massamba är en unik coach som har
förmågan att lyfta, lyssna och utveckla sin klient på
ett otroligt fint och respektfullt sätt. Vi har sett en
enorm utveckling för vår son som nu Tack vare
Thomas har fått tillbaka självkänslan. Han börjar
förstå sig själv, vågar öppna upp och prata om
viktiga saker, börjar se och vilja planera framåt. Vår
son har nu hittat sin riktning och mognat tack vare
Thomas, som hela tiden finns som bollplank för
honom eftersom ömsesidig respekt och ”safe space”
som etablerades från start. Otroligt tacksam för
möjligheten att få ”tillgång” till Thomas. Det bästa vi
Thomas är en av de mest empatiska människor jag mött. Han kan och orkar skapa ett band med varje individ han möter. Någonstans har han plockat upp en stor bank av erfarenheter och visdom och han använder det för att ge individer styrka och självförtroende att utvecklas
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Company Name
Brand Dayz
Strawberry Hotels
Coming soon
Coming soon
NBA Family
If you have any questions or need any assistance please get in touch