Unity is our concept where we want to bring citizen and government/society together, contributing to improved understanding and unity between the people in a community sometimes plagued by low employment rates and a feeling of alienation with the rest of the society with people - individuals - from first responder units. We will bring our basketball camp to such an area and have people from these different backgrounds meet, play, and have fun together.
It is important to strive for such an event to become more than an one-off thing, even though hopefully as such having brought more understanding and openess between people at the event. Therefore, our explicit goal for an event is to have 20 % of the participants become members of RÆDY™ United - or another sports club - thus bringing them into a structured and sustainable environment with all its positives.
is committed to contribute to a more open and inclusive society, for everyone. With the
Unity concept, we will bring the universal language of and joy from basketball to areas in need of such inclusive activities.
With our large network and by inviting primarily first responder parties and people we want to create an arena where youth with basketball as an interest and their peers and parents can meet not only role models in basketball but people from first responder units in a undramatic, friendly, and open setting. We will execute our first RÆDY Unity events in Stockholm in 2024 and hope to learn from and scale the events to more areas and cities.
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The RÆDY™ Foundation also extends its mission to invite other stakeholders and organizations in the society to contribute. We appreciate any and all donations to the foundation. Such will go directly to youth players in need and contribute to someone or many players being able to experience events in basketball otherwise out of reach for them.
Support our youth so they can achieve their dreams
Your donation goes directly to supporting the youth
Donate your time and/or skills